Welcome to the Missouri WOTC Online System
Since its enactment by Congress in 1997, the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Program has been integral to the creation of jobs by giving employers a tax credit when they hire qualified individuals who consistently face significant barriers to employment.
This Federal tax credit incentive program enables the new employees to gradually move from economic dependency into self-sufficiency as they earn a steady income and become contributing taxpayers, while participating employers are compensated by reducing their federal income tax liability.
The Missouri WOTC Online System is used by private sector businesses ("Employers") and companies who may act as the employer‘s agent ("Consultants"). The Online System allows these employers and their consultants to enter tax credit applications (and submit the applications, for legal forms holders), track the status of submitted applications, print letters and certifications, and view any power of attorney (POA) that may exist.
How to Get Started
To obtain access to the Missouri WOTC Online System, you must first request an account. When your Account Request is accepted, the options available to you are based on your account type:
- Employer
- Application Entry (enter tax credit applications)
- Case Search (find employee case records)
- POA Search (view the POA status between the Employer and a Consultant, if applicable)
- Printing (print denial letters, needs letters and certificates)
- Application Entry (enter tax credit applications)
- Bulk Applications (allows the transmission of multiple applications)
- Case Search (find employee case records)
- POA Search (view the POA status between Employers and the Consultant)
- Printing (print denial letters, needs letters and certificates)
View the Tutorials
Tutorials assist you in becoming oriented to the various functions available in the MO WOTC Online System.
- The Login Tutorial on this page (below the User Name and Password fields) shows you how to Request an Account and Login.
- When your account is approved, My Tutorial is available on the MO WOTC Online System menu to help you with tasks specific to your account type.
For detailed information about the WOTC Program, contact us by calling 573-522-9581 or emailing wotc@dhewd.mo.gov
View the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development's Work Opportunity Tax Credit Homepage
WOTC Target Groups
A. IV-A (TANF) Recipient
A member of a family that is receiving or recently received Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), or benefits under a successor program for any 9 months during the 18-month period ending on the hire date.
B. Veteran
A veteran who is a member of a family that is receiving or recently received Food Stamps for at least a 3-month period during the past 15 months; and for individuals who begin to work for an employer after May 25, 2007, the veteran group is expanded to include "disabled veterans" who are entitled to compensation for a service-connected disability and who, during the one-year ending on the hiring date, were: a) discharged or released from active duty in the U.S Armed Forces, or b) unemployed for a period or periods totaling at least 6 months. The first-year wages taken into account for these "disabled veterans" are capped at $12,000. A copy of the applicant's DD-214 or Official Discharge Papers that contain the dates and proof of military service and a service connected disability (if applicable) is required to certify the applicant for this target group.
Qualified Veteran has five certifications with different allowable tax credits:
| Veterans receiving SNAP benefits | $2400.00 |
| Disabled Veterans hired within one year after active duty | $4800.00 |
| Disabled Veterans unemployed for 6 months prior to hire date | $9600.00 |
| Veterans unemployed for 4 weeks prior to hire date | $2400.00 |
| Veterans unemployed for 6 months prior to hire date | $5600.00 |
C. Ex-Felon
An ex-felon is an individual who has been convicted of a felony under any statute of the United States or any state; and has a hire date which is not more than one (1) year after the last date on which the applicant was so convicted or was released from prison or is a convicted felon who is participating in a pre-release program. If the conviction was committed in a state other than Missouri, documentation of that conviction, including the date of conviction/release must be submitted with the application.
D. Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community/Rural Renewal County (EZ/EC/RRC)
An 18-39 year old resident of one of the federally designated Empowerment Zone (EZ), Enterprise Communities (EC) or Rural Renewal County (RRC) or Rural Renewal Empowerment Zone.
The designated Rural Renewal Community Counties in Missouri are: Atchison, Carroll, Chariton, Clark, Holt, Knox, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot and Worth.
| a) Proof of Age (a copy of the employee's driver's license or birth certificate) |
| b) Proof of Address (a copy of the IRS W-4, utility bill or similar). The address on the IRS 8850 and the proof of address documentation must match. |
E. Vocational Rehabilitation Referral
Applicant has a physical or mental disability which results in a substantial handicap to employment; and was referred to the employer upon completion of, or while receiving, rehabilitative services pursuant to an individualized written plan of employment (IWPE) under a state plan for vocational rehabilitation services approved under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (as amended, 1998), a vocational rehabilitation program for veterans or an employment network under the Ticket to Work program.
F. Summer Youth
A 16-17 year old Empowerment Zone resident hired between May 1st and September 15th as a Summer Youth employee. The following documentation should be included with the certification request:
| a) Proof of Age (a copy of the employee's driver's license or birth certificate) |
| b) Proof of Address (a copy of the IRS W-4, utility bill or similar). The address on the IRS 8850 and the proof of address documentation must match. |
G. Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program Recipient
A member of a family that is receiving or recently received SNAP benefits (Food Stamps), and is at least 18, but not yet 40 years old, on the hire date, Individual is a member of a family receiving assistance under a food stamp program for the 6-month period ending on the hire date; or receiving such assistance for at least 3 months of the 5-month period ending on the hire date.
H. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Recipient
An individual receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for any month ending within the 60 day period ending on the hire date.
I. Long-Term Family Assistance Recipient
An individual who is a member of a family that received Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) or benefits under a successor program for at least 18 consecutive months ending on the hire date; or has received family assistance for a total of at least 18 months (whether or not consecutive) beginning after August 5, 1997 and has a hire date that is not more than two (2) years after the end of the earliest 18-month period; or whose TANF eligibility expired under a federal or state law after August 5, 1997, and who was hired within two years after their eligibility expired.
L. Long-Term Unemployment Recipient
Qualified long-term unemployment recipient is any individual who on the day before the individual begins work, or, if earlier, the day the individual completes the IRS Form 8850 as a prescreening notice in accordance with the certification provisions described in §51(d)(13)(A)(ii) of the Code, is in a period of unemployment that is: (i) not less than 27 consecutive weeks; and (ii) includes a period (which may be less than 27 weeks) in which the individual received unemployment compensation under State or Federal law (see IRS notice 2016-22). These new hires must begin work for an employer on or after January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2019.
If you have questions/comments about this site please e-mail wotc@dhewd.mo.gov.